
2.2 這是一個平凡的愛情與宗教信仰交織的故事。
(Casimir Pulaski Day 卡西米爾‧普拉斯基日是美國伊利諾州及威斯康辛州的國定假日。
And he takes and he takes and he takes..................


發行資料:2005 男 Indie
 Casimir Pulaski Day 卡西米爾‧普拉斯基日
by Sufjan Stevens

中文歌詞 by oldladybox



Golden rod and the 4-H stone 金菊黃和4-H做的幸運石
The things I brought you 是我帶給妳的東西
When I found out you had cancer of the bone 就在我得知妳罹患骨癌時

Your father cried on the telephone 妳爸在電話裡哭了
And he drove his car to the Navy yard 而且他還開車去海軍廠
Just to prove that he was sorry 證明了他真的很難過

In the morning through the window shade 早上,透過窗簾
When the light pressed up against your shoulder blade 當光線照射在妳的肩胛骨上
I could see what you were reading 我可以看到妳正在讀什麼

Oh the glory that the lord has made 榮耀主所賜的一切
And the complications you could do without 還有妳那想都不想要的併發症
When I kissed you on the mouth 當我在妳嘴上親吻時

Tuesday night at the bible study 星期二晚上的查經班
We lift our hands and pray over your body 我們舉起雙手為妳的身體禱告
But nothing ever happens 可什麼奇蹟也沒有發生

I remember at Michael's house 我還記得在麥可家
In the living room when you kissed my neck 在客廳裡,妳親吻了我的脖子
And I almost touched your blouse 我也幾乎摸到了妳的上衣

In the morning at the top of the stairs 隔天一早,在樓頂
When your father found out what we did that night 當妳爸發現了我們前晚所做的好事
And you told me you were scared 妳告訴我妳嚇壞了

Oh the glory when you ran outside 榮耀啊!當妳向外跑時
With your shirt tucked in and your shoes untied 穿著紮進的衣服和沒有綁緊的鞋子
And you told me not to follow you 妳要我別跟著妳

Sunday night when I cleaned the house 星期日晚上,我打掃房子時
I found the card where you wrote it out 找到了妳寫的卡片
With the pictures of your mother 還有妳媽媽的照片

On the floor at the great divide 不同房間的地板上
With my shirt tucked in and my shoes untied 我穿著紮進的衣服和沒有綁緊的鞋子
I am crying in the bathroom 我在浴室裡哭

In the morning when you finally go (星期一)早上,妳終於走了
And the nurse runs in with her head hung low 護士低著頭走進來
And the cardinal hits the window 還有紅雀來撞窗戶 (喻帶來不好的消息)

In the morning in the winter shade (星期一)早上,冬天的陰影裡
On the first of March on the holiday 就在三月的第一個節日
I thought that I saw you breathing 我以為我看到了妳還活著

All the glory that the lord has made 榮耀主所賜的一切
And the complications when I see his face 還有這許多的混沌,當我看到了祂的臉
In the morning in the window 就在清晨裡的窗邊

Oh the glory when he took our place 榮耀啊!在主奪去我們家時
But he took my shoulders and he shook my face 可同時,祂也抓著我的肩膀、搖搖我的臉
And he takes and he takes and he takes 然後,祂又奪走了、奪走了、奪走了





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