
1.10 但是 現在我想大聲的說 【我相信愛情】


發行資料:2006 女 Folk rock

I Believe In Love 我相信愛情

by Indigo Girls

中文歌詞 by oldladybox



When we tried to rework all of this 當我們試著重做這一切

Each to her rendition 每一件針對她表演的事

Painted ourselves in a corner 在無路可走下,我們只好彩繪自己上場

Lost for ideas blindly fishing 不知所措,胡亂地猜測

For a compliment or kindness 那一聲讚許或體貼所隱含的心思

Just to bring us into view 只為讓彼此達成意見一致

But you could not interpret me and I could not interpret you 但是啊!妳不能詮釋我,我也無法詮釋妳

I remember that cold morning when the trees were black with birds 記得一個冷冷的早晨,樹上佈滿小鳥漆黑一片

I tried to make out some connection 我試著要理清一些關係

We were at a loss for words 我們無言以對

After all that we've been through 在我們經歷一切後

I could not see giving up 我無法看著我們分手

Despite the picture of our coffee growing colder in the cups 儘管我們之間已經像杯裡冷掉的咖啡

I want to say that underneath it all you are my friend 我想說,表面上妳只是我的朋友

And the way that I fell for you I'll never fall that way again 而且我再也不會用同樣的方式愛上妳

I still believe despite our differences that what we have's enough 但是,儘管我們有所不同,我依然相信我們所擁有的已經足夠

And I believe in you and I believe in love 我相信妳,而且我也相信愛情

So we went rolling on down through the years 我們風風雨雨幾年下來

Taking time off we could steal 用盡我們可以用的時間

Until the thief of things unreconciled 直到我們雙方有了分岐

Stuck it's stick into the wheel 像棍子插入輪子般絆倒

Now we're tumbling in a freefall 現在我們的關係正像自由落體般的跌落

No one's gonna go unscathed 沒有人會不受傷的

But it's not because you held back and its not how I behaved 但是,這不是因為妳的退縮,也不是因為我做了什麼

I want to say that underneath it all you are my friend 我想說,表面上妳只是我的朋友

And the way that I fell for you I'll never fall that way again 而且我再也不會用同樣的方式愛上妳

I still believe despite our differences that what we have's enough 但是,儘管我們有所不同,我依然相信我們所擁有的已經足夠

I believe in you and I believe in love 我相信妳,而且我也相信愛情

There are avenues and supplements and books stacked on the shelf 有各種途徑與輔助及架上堆疊的書

Labyrinths of recovery in search of our best self 宛如迷宮般的重生之路,只為了追尋更好的自我

But most of what will happen now is way out of our hands 但是,大部分現在會發生的事,並不握在我們手上

So just let it go and see where it lands 所以何不順其自然,看它落腳於何處

I want to say that underneath it all you are my friend 我想說,表面上妳只是我的朋友

And the way that I fell for you I'll never fall that way again 而且我再也不會用同樣的方式愛上妳

I still believe despite our differences that what we have's enough 但是,儘管我們有所不同,我依然相信我們所擁有的已經足夠

I believe in you and I believe in love 我相信妳,而且我也相信愛情

I believe in you and I believe in love 我相信妳,而且我也相信愛情




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