2.1 這是一個受虐兒童的故事。








發行資料:2002 女 Country pop

Concrete Angel】 石化天使

by Martina mcbride

中文歌詞 by oldladybox



She walks to school with the lunch she packed 她帶著自己準備的午餐去學校

Nobody knows what she's holding back 沒人知道她背後隱瞞了什麼

Wearing the same dress she wore yesterday 穿著和昨天一樣的衣服

She hides the bruises with linen and lace 用麻布蕾絲遮掩她身上的傷痕

(oh oh) 喔 喔


The teacher wonders but she doesn't ask 老師覺得奇怪但也沒多問

It's hard to see the pain behind the mask 難以察覺面具後的傷痛

Bearing the burden of a secret storm 在承受這樣一個秘密風暴下

Sometimes she wishes she was never born 有時她真的希望自己沒有被生下來


Through the wind and the rain 歷經風風雨雨

She stands hard as a stone 她如石頭般的堅立著

In a world that she can't rise above 就在這樣一個她無力改變的世界

But her dreams give her wings 但是她的夢想給了她翅膀

And she flies to a place where she's loved 讓她飛向一個她可以被疼愛的地方

Concrete angel 石化天使啊


Somebody cries in the middle of the night 有人在半夜裡哭

The neighbors hear, 鄰居聽到

But they turn out the lights 但是他們關上了燈

A fragile soul caught in the hands of fate 一個脆弱的靈魂被命運之手玩弄著

When morning comes it'll be too late 當清晨來臨時,一切為時已晚


Through the wind and the rain 歷經風風雨雨

She stands hard as a stone 她如石頭般的堅立著

In a world that she can't rise above 就在這樣一個她無力改變的世界

But her dreams give her wings 但是她的夢想給了她翅膀

And she flies to a place where she's loved 讓她飛向一個她可以被疼愛的地方

Concrete angel 石化天使啊


A statue stands in a shaded place 一個石像立在陰暗處

An angel girl with an upturned face 是一個仰臉的天使女孩

A name is written on a polished rock 光亮的石碑上已經寫上名字

A broken heart that the world forgot 那是一顆被世界所遺忘破碎的心


Through the wind and the rain 歷經風風雨雨

She stands hard as a stone 她如石頭般的堅立著

In a world that she can't rise above 就在這樣一個她無力改變的世界

But her dreams give her wings 但是她的夢想給了她翅膀

And she flies to a place where she's loved 讓她飛向一個她可以被疼愛的地方


Concrete angel 石化天使啊



15.5【Care 關懷】





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